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Your privacy matters to us. We are transparent about how your information is used, and it is our priority to allow our online visitors to decide what information they share with us. 

As a visitor to Cornerstone Kitchens (CK), our site offers the convenience of subscribing to our mailing list where you can receive news and information on product and industry trends.

Why do we collect online visitor information?

The information we receive from our online visitors helps us build a community of people interested in our industry, as well as a way to develop conversations that continually challenge our processes and innovations.

How does the site remember me?

We use cookies to improve the quality of our service when you visit our website. We also use cookies to remind us of who you are, tailor products, services, and advertising to you, estimate our audience size, assist our online merchants to track visits and sales on our sites, and to process your order, track your status in promotions, and/or analyze your visiting patterns.

When you visit the site, one or more cookies are sent to your computer or mobile device. We may also use cookies in an email that you receive from us. A cookie is a small data file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer when you visit a website. A session cookie expires immediately once you end your session (close your browser). A persistent cookie stores information on the hard drive so when you end your session and return to the same website at a later date, the cookie information is still available.

Does CK share this information?

We never share your personal information with anyone. We do not sell, rent, share, trade, or distribute any of the information you provide, except to financial institutions processing your payment and/or retailers/shippers that produce and/or deliver your order. No third party will solicit you as a result of information within our control.

The information you provide us is subject to disclosure only under judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, or orders. Other than these fairly extreme cases, your personal information will not be shared with anyone.

If you have additional questions about our Privacy Policy, please reach out to our Customer Care team at:

Does CK use geolocation?

When you access our site, we may additionally collect and store device sign-on data (including device ID) and geolocation data in order to provide our services.

Using Customer Personal Data

We collect and use personally identifiable information, such as name, email and/or shipping address, telephone number, voluntarily provided by our customers. When a customer contacts us, subscribes to newsletters, and/or chooses to participate in various activities related to the website, such as online chat or a contact form, s/he may receive emails from us related to such requests. We do not share customer information with any third parties.

We also use a customer’s personal data to contact her/him regarding the orders placed with us, ask for feedback regarding our products and services, and/or to offer updates on promos and discounts. Our customers can unsubscribe from receiving emails from us at any time.

The customer is under no obligation to provide us with personal information of any kind; however, by not doing so, it may prevent the customer from the benefit of using certain features of the website.

What types of emails will I receive? Can I unsubscribe from these emails?

As a registered CK subscriber, you may receive emails regarding news, blog, social media posts, and/or information on product and industry trends. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can opt-out or unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the email.

How can I contact CK with questions about this Privacy Policy? And, how do I know if this policy has been changed?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, our website practices, or contact with the company, please reach out to our Customer Care team.

If we need to update our Privacy Policy, we will post these changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, or other places deemed appropriate so users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We encourage you to consult this Privacy Policy regularly in order to remain informed of any changes that may impact you and affect our collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.

If, however, we intend to use users’ personally identifiable information in a different manner from the stated above, we will notify users via email.